How Many Trees Did We Plant? – Earth Month

Between April 17 and April 23, every like and share across AZEK brands’ social media platforms, we donated $1 to One Tree Planted, an orga...


Between April 17 and April 23, every like and share across AZEK brands’ social media platforms, we donated $1 to One Tree Planted, an organization who plants one tree for every dollar they receive.

From this campaign, we planted 6,364 trees! Not only have we saved the equivalent of nearly 3 million trees over the last twenty years, now we can add this number to the list!

Planting trees remains one of the best ways to reduce global carbon emissions with the average mature tree capable of sequestering 48lbs of carbon each year. That means the 6,364 trees we planted will be capable of sequestering 305,472 lbs of carbon each year once fully matured.

Thank you for engaging with us on social media during this time period! We were able to make this environmental impact because of your dedication to The AZEK Company and our mission for sustainability.

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