Overheard on commuter train: “Women’s Equality Day! How many celebratory days do women need? They’ve already got International Women’s Day in March, Mother’s Day in May, and Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October!”
This anecdote is a clear indication that further education on equality is needed, and it exemplifies why we need to continue to recognize Women’s Equality Day. It’s not about giving women a day off, it’s about reminding society that gender equality is crucial, and that while some important inroads have been made there is more work to be done.
The 19th Amendment, certified on August 26, 1920, was the culmination of years of women’s suffrage initiatives in the United States, pushing for the right for women to vote. In 1971, Representative Bella Abzug championed a bill in the U.S. Congress to designate August 26th as “Women’s Equality Day.” It is not only a way to commemorate how far women have come in achieving equality in certain areas, but also calls attention to the need for continuing efforts to achieve women’s complete equality.
At StruXure, women hold positions across all areas of the business, from machine operators to marketing and from project managers to powder coating specialists. The firm believes in equal pay for equal work and has sought to be an inclusive company from its inception. These forward-thinking actions can make specially designated awareness days feel like they are meant for other, less conscientious enterprises. But the reality is that all companies, no matter how “woke,” should take the opportunity to continue the efforts of Bella Abzug and the many, many advocates for women’s equality that came before her and since, by recognizing Women’s Equality Day as the springboard for further improvements that it was meant to be.
Here are some insights from StruXure staff members regarding what Women’s Equality Day means to them.
- “Women’s Equality Day is very meaningful to me, because when I graduated from High School (many years ago), I was awarded an athletic college scholarship that was previously not offered to women [a direct outcome of women fighting for equality]. This enabled me to get a college degree, which I believe gave me a leg up in my career, with better opportunities than I would have had without that degree!” –Melissa Rutledge, Commercial Direct Account Manager
- “Everyone should be proud of their work and be able to have a voice that is heard and respected.” –Michelle Via, Dealer Support Administration Manager
- “Women’s Equality Day is important to me as a young professional, because it has helped enable me to voice my ideas and opinions in a safe space where they feel validated. To be able to have a career where I feel respected has definitely made me feel more comfortable in the workplace”. –Emily Fredrick, Social Media Coordinator
- “I am happy we are celebrating the accomplishments and the superlative status of women in 2022.” –Allison Futch, Marketing Manager
- “From the outset, the women of StruXure have played a pivotal role in the company’s success. We are proud to support women’s equality on August 26th, Women’s Equality Day, and every day throughout the year.” –Scott Selzer, Founder and President
Gender inequality affects everyone, so after we take time to celebrate on this special day the great strides that have been made for women’s equality, let us not forget the rest of the year that a mission partially attained is a mission undone.